"Probabilistic Location-Dependent Queries
at Different Location Granularities"
Visualization Applet
This applet helps visualising the semantics of probabilistic location-dependent queries, which involve location granules in their constraints and the presence of location uncertainty. In this applet, the uncertainty for the location of the objects is modelled with the uniform distribution.
Please, allow some time for the applet to load (it may take a while). An alternative version for Java Web Start can be found
While the applet is signed with our certificate, to have any of the versions (applet or JNLP) working, up to Java 1.7,
you might have to lower your security level to medium in the Java Security Control panel.
From Java 1.8, you might have to add http://sid.cps.unizar.es as an exception in such configuration Panel.
JVM version above 1.5 required, preferably Sun's Java Virtual Machine.
- Drag and move the reference object (the red circle) over the map
- The red-to-blue lines around the reference object are the calculated relevant areas (reddish are less probable than blueish lines)
- Controllers on the panel on the right:
- The show all objects checkbox allows to display all the objects in the scenario, regardless they are part of the answer set or not.
- Using the Granule checkboxes, the type of constraint can be changed (no granules, granules for the ref, tgt, or both).
- The location uncertainty level of any object can be set by selecting it (click) and using the Uncertainty slide.
The yellow line denotes the uncertainty area.
- If Global uncertain checkbox is selected, the Uncertainty slide applies to all the objects in the scenario at once.
- The Distance slide sets the radius of the inside constraint.
- On the bottom panel:
- The granule map applied for the reference object and the target objects can be changed by selecting the country and the granularity for each of them.
- The location uncertainty of all of the objects can be cleared.
- Objects that are affected by the query can have two colors: magenta for those that belong to the answer set, black for the rest (which are the ones in the relevant area of the query, but which does not fulfill the threshold requirement)
- When 'show all objects' is checked, objects that are not affected by the query are displayed in blue
Implementation of granules: Carlos Bobed (cbobed@unizar.es)