"Measuring Structural Similarities Between RDF Graphs"
This page contains the results of the experiments described in the paper
"Measuring Structural Similarities Between RDF Graphs" by Pierre Maillot and Carlos Bobed.
Datasets and code
- The datasets can be directly obtained from Scholarly Data. The list of used datasets can be found in the paper, as well as the way to obtain the derived ones.
- Regarding the Evolution Collection, the code to generate such modifications can be found in the project source code repository. There, all the code used for this paper can be found. We strongly recommend using the c++ implementation of KRIMP by Vreeken et al. to obtain the code table as it is heavily optimized.
Experimental Results
Experiment 1: Difference test
- The evolution of our measure using the datasets contained in the Evolution Collection can be found here.
Experiment 2: Cross-comparison
- The complete cross-comparisons of the datasets contained in the Real Collection can be found here.
Experiment 3: Inclusion test
- The comparisons between the original datasets and the datasets included in the Inclusion Collestion can be found here.