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Ontology Based System Enhanced with Relationships for Vocabulary hEterogeneity Resolution

- June 25, 2002. Trace of an execution.
- June 3, 2002. Rebuild this web site.
- August 7, 2001. Ontology Server prototype is finished.
- July 2, 2001. Add a Description Logics to simplify the queries.
- May 15, 2001. Begin the development of answering queries formulated over an ontology.
- April 12, 2001. This site is created, and I began to build the logical schemas of Aneto and bib-BDI.
- April 12, 2001. The applications of bib-BDI ontology have been developed.
- February 12, 2001. I begin to build Ontology bib-BDI.
- February 12, 2001. QAneto wrapper is finished.
- January 12, 2001. QAneto wrapper is begun building.
- January 10, 2001. QBib wrapper is made and only must be tested.
- November 2, 2000. Begin a QBib wrapper.

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Modules with access restrictions to avoid unauthorized changes in information used by the system.

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