Query Processor
Before starting to build the query see the requeriments to execute the service.
- Java Plug-in 1.3.1, which is distributed with JDK1.3.1.
- Security permissions
Permission | Target Name | Actions |
SocketPermission | * | accept, connect, listen, resolve |
SerializablePermission | enableSusbstitution |
RuntimePermission | createClassLoader |
RuntimePermission | accessDeclareMembers |
RuntimePermission | modifyThread |
RuntimePermission | modifyThreadGroup |
AWTPermision | listenToAllAWTEvents |
FilePermission | <<ALL FILLES>> | read |
How to add the above permissions to your local JVM:
- Execute policytool or downloand this
.java.policy and jump to the "Save File"
step .
- Press the button "Add Policy Entry" (the file you are editing
is the default one in your system)
- Enter an empty codeBase field
- For each row in the above table:
- Press the button "Add Permission"
- Enter the permission data of the corresponding row into the form
- Press OK
- Press "Done"
- Menu "File", option "Save" (it could be saved as ".java.policy" in c:\windows)
- Exit the policytool
- Restart web browser
- Build a query