It is an alternative procedure for users to retrieve and install software. The Software Retrieval Service, based on the use of an ontology and the agent technology, allows users to retrieve and install software in an easy and efficient way. Easy, because with the help of intelligent agents, users can browse the ontology that describes semantically the content of a set of data sources containing pieces of software, and so they can select from it the software (the service makes transparent for the users the location and access method of various remote software repositories); and efficient, because agents take care of reducing the wireless communication cost. This service is place into the ANTARCTICA project.
- Agents involved in the system
- Alfred functionality: it allows users to specify several ways to prune the SoftOnt ontology: constraints or a level of detail.
- Software Manager: the SoftOnt ontology is built using categories and programs in Tucows repository (off-line). The ontology is pruned by keyword or by a level of detail (number of descendants strategy).
- Browser: it only allows users to navigate the pruned ontology. It generates GUIs directly. Catalog refinements. Software selection.
- Catalog Updater: it only allows the Browser agent to update de catalog that has been got from the Software Manager agent. This agent is created only if the network connection has many errors.
- Constraints: the constraints are joined by an AND operator.
- The system estimate network performance.
- How many level of detail must be send to the user device.
- What is the strategy to prune the software ontology.
- Al data are send compressed to save network time.
- Test our prototype.
- The SRS is one of the finalist of the Cátedra Telefónica challenge

- Constraints languaje: Add new operator like AND, OR ...
- Measurement of performace and scalability.
- Test the system with mobile devices.
- Use a DAML+OIL build semiautomatically.
The prototype has been implemented using Voyager (mobile agents, CORBA), Javacc , Jaxp and JDK1.3 .
Instructions for demo in ra.